Essential Oils for Anxiety and Yoga

Restorative Yoga with Kevala Health

Pure essential oils and Yoga to reduce anxiety.

Reduce Anxiety with Essential Oils and Yoga

For many people, anxiety and stress can have a big impact on their lives. We are living in a fast-paced world, with more stress and health issues. Fortunately, there are a few ways people can reduce anxiety and de-stress.

Some people turn to yoga and meditation when feeling stressed or anxious and found this has helped significantly. Practicing yoga regularly teaches us to focus on both our breath and the ability to be present which helps us to quieten mental chatter and boost our overall health and moods. Read more on breathing exercises for anxiety and stress in our blog.

When you combine this with aromatherapy using pure essential oils, you can enhance this experience and gain more benefits of feeling calmer, more relaxed, sleeping better, and having more energy. Essential oils are pure plant extracts that have been used for thousands of years for health and healing.

Essential oils will help you awaken your senses, especially your sense of smell. Research has shown pure essential oils help to stimulate the limbic brain system. This is part of the brain that manages our feelings, memories, and emotions. When we smell relaxing aromas from pure essential oils the mind starts to relax, which assists the body in relaxing.

What are the best essential oils to use for anxiety? Continue to read more and you will find out.

Best Essential Oils to Help Calm Down Anxiety

Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils for anxiety. It has a sweet floral scent with a woody undertone. The lavender essential oil can be used to calm anxiety, as it has a sedative effect. It can assist with sleep issues like insomnia.

Sweet orange essential oil is an uplifting joyful and energizing pure essential oil. Helps us look on the bright side of life. This essential oil will help you relax and restore vitality by relieving stress and building your immunity. Its uplifting qualities for mind and spirit make it a very versatile essential oil and perfect for anxiety and stress. In aromatherapy, bergamot is used to calm and soothe unbalanced emotions.

Sandalwood essential oil is one of the most relaxing earthy wood scents. It is perfect for those days when you feel anxious or stressed with its calming effect. It helps to promote inner peace and a connection to the earth. Try Kevala Health’s new natural essential oil perfume blend Abundance to help reduce anxiety when combined with meditation and breath work. You can purchase this 100% natural organic perfume roller blend in our SHOP.

Where to Apply Essential Oils For Anxiety?

You can add a few drops of essential oil to unscented natural body lotion or use a spray with blended essential oils directly onto bedding, a blanket that you use, or clothing. You can apply some oils when mixed with carrier oil directly onto your skin in areas like your wrists, behind your ears, your neck, or the bottom of your feet. We have listed 6 ways you can use essential oils below. Generally, you would use 6-8 drops of pure essential oil with 10ml of carrier oil like jojoba or sweet almond oil, if rubbing onto the body.

When choosing essential oils for your yoga practice, meditation, or just stretching, always test your skin first. Some essential oils may be fine for some people, while others may get skin irritations. Start with popular essential oils such as peppermint or Lavender, then you can explore your blend. The best yoga stretches for anxiety are the supportive gentle forward bends, yin, and restorative yoga. Read more about our Restorative live online yoga classes. If you can’t make this class we can send you the live yoga class recording, so you can watch it anytime.

We have listed 6 ways you can use essential oils in your yoga or stretching routine below

6 Ways to Use Essential Oils in Yoga

  1. Add essential oils to your neck, temples, and wrists (when combined with a carrier oil like Jojoba).

  2. Use in a room diffuser.

  3. Add essential oil to an eye pillow.

  4. Spray the room with an essential oil-infused mist.

  5. Use mat spray to keep your mat fresh and clean.

  6. Dab some on your clothing.

There are other ways to reduce anxiety in your life, so we have summarised 10 natural remedies to help you relieve anxiety and improve your overall health.

10 Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety

  1. Reduce alcohol and smoking.

  2. Limit caffeine intake.

  3. Prioritize getting a good night's sleep.

  4. Learn how to meditate daily.

  5. Practice Yoga regularly.

  6. Eat a balanced diet.

  7. Practice deep breathing.

  8. Stay active and exercise.

  9. Practice mindfulness.

  10. Seek professional counseling.

Kevala Health 9 essential oil perfume blends

9 Essential Oil perfume blends Australian-made in our online SHOP.


Top 9 Essential Oil Blends for Mood-boosting


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