Learn How to Meditate | Beginner

Couple meditating at beach.

Jodie and partner sitting on Nambucca headlands and meditating.

6 Best Meditations for Beginners

The word meditation can be extremely daunting for some people, and most people are unsure where to start or only think it’s for spiritual people. I’m here to help you all find the right meditation for your mind and body.

Meditation is a simple practice of contemplation as a pathway to becoming more mindful, patient, forgiving, loving, and compassionate. You will see in my beautiful photo of my partner and myself away on holiday spending quiet time meditating on the sounds of the ocean and the beauty of our surroundings. Keep reading to find out more about the 11 great benefits of meditation.

What are the benefits of Meditation?

  1. Reduce and manage stress and anxiety

  2. Improve self-awareness

  3. Reduce negative emotions

  4. Help manage menopause symptoms

  5. Increase energy levels

  6. Improve productivity at work

  7. Improve sleep

  8. Help manage depression symptoms

  9. Increase patience

  10. Improve self-acceptance

  11. Live longer

When you combine pure essential oils with your meditations can help you relax and calm the mind and body after a stressful day. Learn more about essential oils and meditation in our blog.

We have outlined below the 6 best meditations for beginners you can do anywhere. You can either lie down or sit in a comfortable supporting position.

1. Counting the Breath

Counting the breath is a simple technique that everyone can do easily. With every exhale, you count! Once you reach up to ten breaths, you start again at one. Your mind will wander in meditation and this is a chance for you to gently bring yourself back to counting. If you forget what number you are up to – start with one! You can have your eyes open or closed. You can lie down or sit in meditation.

2. Mantra Meditation

Repeating a mantra with your meditation, allows your mind to focus on that rather than any thoughts. Mantras are like powerful affirmations that you can bring into your day-to-day life or your meditation (even more powerful). There are traditional Yoga mantras such as “So Hum” and simple mantras I use such as “Let Go”. These two words “Let Go” are my favorite mantras I use in my live online yoga classes. I have listed some other examples of mantras you can use in meditation every day below.

Mantra 1
Breath in: “So” Exhale: “Hum”

Mantra 2

Exhale: “Shanti” (Peace)

Pick a mantra and do it until your mind quietens, then return to your breathing only.

3. Body Scan (Yoga Nidra)

This is a perfect technique to release any tension found within the body. You first begin by scanning through your feet up to your head. Take your time to see any tension you may feel in your body. Once you find a tense area, be present with that feeling; how does it feel for you? Hot, cold, tight, sharp? The next step is visualizing this tense place leaving you. Choose to release this tension found within your body and move on to the next body part.

4. Guided meditation

Guided meditation is where you may be listening to a teacher or recording, where they take your mind to a place of peace and calmness. Your mind will be taken to a place where you can balance and heal. There are meditations on trees, nature, chakras, water, and even colors. Listen to a Kevala Health-guided Chakra meditation now.

5. Burning candle

You can gaze at the flicking light of a candle for meditation. This can be very healing and relaxing, keeping eyes focused and soft to help open the mind. Aim for slow even breathing.

6. Moving Meditation

Practicing Yoga is a moving meditation. You can go for a slow mindful walk along the beach or in a rainforest.

You can begin with just a few minutes each day. Start by breathing slowly and evenly, concentrating on each inhale and exhale. The goal is not to clear your mind, it’s simply to acknowledge those distractions and become more mindful of them.

Alternatively, you can come to a Kevala Health live-stream meditation or online live yoga class, where you will be guided through the art of meditation by an experience. Each Kevala Health online yoga class also offers a 10-minute meditation at the end to promote relaxation and encourage full body & mind harmony.

Just show up with no expectations to meditation and you will truly have the best experience. A lot of people hold this expectation that meditation is only for spiritual, enlightened monks BUT that is not the case. Kevala Meditation is for everyone and the benefits are remarkable. Show up to your meditation practice to joy and if you need some more guidance then try 14 days of unlimited live-stream yoga with Kevala Health’s online classes.

Want to create a healing space for your meditation? Read our blog about creating a healing space at home for yoga and meditation.

Buy online pure essential oil roll-on blends to help relax and calm the mind more in your meditation in our online shop.

Namaste, Jodie.


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