Prices for Live-stream Pilates and Yoga
Best Online Yoga and Pilates Prices | Australia
Russell Island Pilates and Core Yoga Prices
Visit Kevala Health’s SHOP to purchase your Yoga and Pilates live online class passes.
Kevala Health offers affordable pricing for live Pilates and yoga online classes. There are no contracts and you have the option just to pay for a casual live class. All you need is the internet and a free Zoom account for all Pilates and Yoga live-stream classes.
We offer at-home beginner yoga classes, beginner Pilates, Chakra Yoga, and Pilates for seniors. We offer FREE 14-day live online Pilates and yoga classes
The best value package for live-stream Pilates and yoga classes is our 3-month unlimited passes. Unlimited live Pilates and yoga classes in the comfort of your home. Kevala Health can send the live Pilates or yoga class recording to you if you don’t attend a live class.
Pilates & Yoga Online Classes Prices
Pilates and Core Yoga flow Class Prices | Russell Island
14 days Free Online Trial
14-day free trial on live=stream Pilates and Yoga online classes. No contracts. Send Jodie an email for the Zoom Class ID codes.
5-Pack Online Classes
5 live-stream Yoga or Pilates Class pass
Only $65 ($13 for a class).
Payments are made through our SHOP.
15 Pack Online
Purchase our 15-pack, to participate in our live-stream Yoga and Pilates classes for only $11 per class.
$165 (No contract. Valid 6 months)
Buy in our SHOP.
1 Month Unlimited Online
Unlimited Live-stream Pilates and Yoga online classes. Classes start around $8 per class (based on 3 classes a week). No contracts.
Only $96 (1 month)
Buy in our SHOP.
3-months Online Classes
Unlimited live-stream Pilates & Yoga online classes. This is the best value if you can do more than a few classes a week! From $7 a class! No contracts.
$252 (3 months)
Buy in our SHOP.
Zoom Personal Training
Do you want your very own private personal training session from home? We are offering Zoom personalized sessions for anyone in Australia.
These privates can be a combination of Yoga, Pilates, strength and fitness training, and meditation.
Only $65 (1 hour) ZOOM
Russell Island 10-pack
Join a yoga or Pilates class on Russell Island for only $9 a class (10-pack offer). No contracts.
$90 (10-pack)
Purchase in SHOP