Live Pilates and Yoga Class Timetable

Russell Island Pilates and Yoga Timetable

Kevala Health is a small personal business that offers a variety of mixed live Pilates and yoga classes on Russell Island and live-stream for all levels and ages. In Jodie’s Yoga and Pilates classes, you can ask for requests before classes start for a more personal complete experience.

Classes on Russell Island are held at the Anglican Church Hall on High Street. Or try a Zoom yoga or Pilates class you can do at home.

Jodie has started a new gentle yoga class on Wednesdays at 5.15 pm. Bring your yoga bolsters or cushions.

Saturday Pilates class blends Pilates Barre work with balls and bands and is great for toning the bums and tums! Beginners are welcome to all Yoga and Pilates classes.

Yoga and Pilates class timetable

Russell Island and live-stream Yoga and Pilates class times.