Staying Healthy over 50

Upward face dog yoga pose photo.

Upward face dog yoga pose photo in nature.

Kevala Health Tips for Over 50

Would you rather spend a little more time now and minimal money on maintaining your health? Or spend lots of money and time on repairing your body when you get older, if it is possible?

Honestly, most people like me have had some unhealthy habits in there past, and maybe some of you still have some bad habits now! Have you ever thought about what the consequences are when we get older if we do not make good choices with our health now?

I’ve worked in the health industry for nearly 20 years and have gained lots of experience on how the body changes when over 50 and now I am experiencing some of those changes. Like, For getting up in the mornings, I am a little slower, my hair is changing to silver and the symptoms of Menopause have been an interesting learning curve for me.

It is never too late to make positive small changes in your life and most changes cost very minimal.  You can start with a self-care practice, like taking time out in nature, reading some books, treating yourself to a massage, or other alternative therapies.  I have outlined below some important health tips to help you begin your empowering journey, so you can live happier and healthier.

10 Best Health Tips to Staying Healthy Over 50

1. Start Yoga:

Can do yoga at home. Aim for a minimum of three times a week. Balance your yoga practice with strengthening and gentle poses. You can start with a 14-day free trial of live-stream yoga and Pilates online classes for new students.

2. Learn to meditate:

Learning how to meditate will help you reduce stress, improve sleep, and balance your emotions and hormones. Learn beginner meditation techniques in our blog.

3. Healthy eating:

More veggies and fruit, less sugar and salt. Eating healthy will promote healthier skin and nails, give you more energy, and help your body to heal.

 4. Walk daily:

Aiming for a minimum of 30 minutes a day is recommended for a healthy heart and lungs. If you want to lose a little weight or get fitter then walk longer for some days. Having a dog like me is great to help you walk me.

5. Positive thinking:

A positive mind promotes a positive life. Reflect on more gratitude daily to help attract the same positive energy.

6. Limit your alcohol:

If you enjoy a glass or two then aim to have some alcohol-free days. to help the liver and kidneys. It also has fewer toxins in the body and will slow down the aging process.

7. Challenge your Mind:

Try new activities, a puzzle, or learn something new to prevent Alzheimer’s. Plus when we challenge the mind in a healthy way we feel more confident. Yoga can challenge the mind too!

8. Good quality sleep:

Sleep is so important. We need good sleep so the body and mind can repair and function normally the next day. Also reduces the chances of other diseases and slows down aging.

9. Regular health checks:

Get yourself checked regularly for cancers like breast, prostate, skin, and bowels. Do not forget the health check on your eyes, your blood pressure, and cholesterol. Your GP will know all this. Prevention is better than cure.

10. Weight-bearing exercises:

Bodyweight movements like squats, push-ups, and planks can help indirectly strengthen your bones to reduce osteoporosis, improve your metabolism, and help with maintaining a healthy body weight. Yoga also uses your body weight in some poses to strengthen the muscles and bones.

Staying healthy starts here with our 14-day free trial.


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Yoga and the seasons: Autumn