Seniors Fitness | Best Exercises

Seniors exercises at home photo.

9 Benefits of Seniors Fitness

Start your Senior fitness program with Jodie at Kevala Health.

We all know exercise is good for you. It’s about making it a priority in life and learning the correct exercises that are best for your age group so it’s safe. Remember you are never too old to exercise, have fun, and get fit. As an older adult, it’s very important to work on your strength, mobility, flexibility, and balance every week. You lose muscle mass, flexibility, and mobility after the age of 40. Your strength, flexibility, and balance decline more in your senior years. if there’s a lack of physical activity and you do lots of sitting your body tightens and weakens more! If you don’t use it, you will lose it.

Did you know seniors should get at least 2 hours a week of cardiovascular exercise to keep their heart and lungs healthy? Simply just walking for at least 30 minutes four or five times a week is a good start to improving health in seniors. You can begin slowly by starting with 10 minutes a day and building up to 30 minutes or more.

If you are a senior and want to learn about the best exercise programs, then you have come to the right blog. Kevala Health online Yoga and Pilates classes are perfect for seniors’ health. They cater to seniors as Jodie uses slow, safe, functional movements to enhance physical and mental health. Remember to always check with your doctor first before starting any new exercise programs.

As a senior, it is important to build your strength, balance, mobility, and flexibility regularly and safely with an experienced teacher. Kevala Health exercise classes work on all these areas to balance health and fitness or you may choose to have your own private personal training session or with a friend for fun.

There are many benefits of exercise for seniors, and we have listed them below. If you are an older adult or know a family member who is, then let’s get you motivated to start.

9 Benefits of Senior Fitness

  1. Improved Independence

  2. Increased energy levels

  3. Balance improves

  4. Decrease risk of diseases (Heart disease, Diabetes, Depression, Osteoporosis)

  5. Increased brain function

  6. Improved coordination

  7. Increased circulation

  8. Decreases Anxiety and Depression symptoms

  9. Weight management

The Best Exercises for Senior Fitness

  1. Water exercises: Working out in the water is safe and non-weight bearing like; water aerobics, water walking, and swimming. There is no weight on the joints. You can get the heart rate up and it’s very social.

  2. Yoga and Pilates: The best Yoga and Pilates classes should be slow and mindful movements. Hatha yoga is a good start for seniors. Pilates mat work exercises are good for seniors if there is not much transitioning from floor to standing. You can also do chair yoga, as you can modify yoga postures easily. Jodie from Kevala Health can talk to you before a live online yoga or Pilates class about the modifications in the chair or using a wall for seniors. Read our blog about how yoga can help heart health.

  3. Walks: If you can walk, then this is a good start to help strengthen your heart and lungs. Start with 10 minutes a day and work towards 30 minutes or more. Be cautious with hills, if you have a sensitive back and knees! Ideally walking for 30 minutes at least 3-4 times a week is perfect. Waling will help you improve your circulation and energy levels.

  4. Bodyweight exercises: Bodyweight exercises are; squats, modified planks, pushups or wall pushups, step-ups, and balancing on one leg. Aim to learn how to squat correctly, as this is very functional to everyday movements and will reduce back issues when done safely. Performing bodyweight exercises will help you maintain your muscles and build your strength. Jodie is now teaching outdoor exercise classes on Russell Island, which are perfect for beginners and people over 60.

When seniors work on their strength, fitness, and balance, it helps to reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Walking becomes a little easier.

Don't forget about yoga and meditation if you want to improve your sleep habits! Getting good sleep will give you more energy for exercise. If you are just doing water exercises only, then consider balancing your exercise program with weight-bearing exercises to strengthen your bones, joints, and muscles, to help reduce osteoporosis and manage arthritis.

When you start any new exercise or seniors yoga or Pilates class, first check with your doctor. Take it slow, use walls and chairs for extra support and stability to build your fitness and strength safely.

Call Jodie on 0413589347 for more information on programs for Senior fitness.

Jodie offers one-on-one Zoom personal training sessions for tailored senior exercise packages.

Do you have lower back pain? Watch Jodie’s standing-only lower back stretches video for pain relief. No kneeling and no getting on the floor!

Strengthen your Abs (core) in Jodie’s beginner Abs workout video. These Ab exercises are floor-based and knee-friendly.

Do you have tight hips and knee pains? Watch Jodie’s standing-only hip stretches for at-home video to prevent hip and knee issues.

Get fit over 60!

Read more information on Pilates for seniors.


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