Healthy Chakras | Balancing Body

Healthy Chakras for Healthy Body

Balancing the Chakras with different Chakra healing methods.

3 Steps For Chakra Balancing | Healthy Chakras

What are Chakras?

Chakras are spinning wheels of energy and originate from the ancient Indian energy system. All living beings have these energy centers, called chakras. You can unlock your full potential when your chakras are open and healthy. There are seven main chakra centers in our body, located along our spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head.

Which Chakras is best for Health?

All the Chakras affect our health. It all depends on what area you want to focus on more. Every layer of our body, from physical to emotional affects each other. When a Chakra is blocked or the energy flow is restricted the body will manifest either a physical, mental or emotional symptom. It’s important to align all the chakras for a healthy body and mind. Start with learning which energy center corresponds to your symptoms and the different chakra balancing techniques that work best for you.

You can begin with three easy steps to help you align your body and mind on an energetic level by following these easy steps below:

Step One: Where is the symptom in the body? How are you feeling?

Step Two: Which chakra does this feeling or symptom correspond with?

Step Three: Learn different Chakra healing methods to open the relevant Chakra.

I will explain each of the energy centers and the corresponding common ailments. Remember we will all experience symptoms differently. You can begin to alleviate some back pains to digestive issues. Remember we are referring to energy levels and sometimes these symptoms may be caused by poor diet or posture. Maybe your ailment is hereditary or caused by stress. Always seek professional medical advice if your symptoms persist or are serious.

7 main chakras

7 Main Chakras along the spine.

Root Chakra (Red): Adrenal fatigue, lower back issues, fear of change, leg pains, sciatica, stress (can be other Chakras), anxiety, poor boundaries, weight issues, eating disorders, constipation, knee problems, arthritis, and guilt.

Sacral Chakra (Orange): Adrenal fatigue, lower back issues, holding onto guilt, hip pain, sciatica, weight issues, poor social skills, fear of change, bladder and kidney problems, blame issues, self-worth issues, and sexual issues.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow): Middle back issues, digestive issues, tiredness/ low energy, fear issues, weight issues, poor self-discipline, diabetes, liver issues, self-esteem issues, sensitivity to criticism.

Heart Chakra (green): Allergies, asthma, Upper and middle back issues, depression, grief, loneliness, judgemental, lack of empathy, lung issues, shoulder or arm issues, resentment issues, and issues with forgiveness.

Throat Chakra (Blue): Upper back issues, neck issues, thyroid issues, or talk too much, inability to listen, fear of speaking, difficulty putting feelings into words,

Third eye Chakra (Indigo): Headache, poor vision, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, can’t remember dreams, denial, eye issues, learning issues, and lack of intuition.

Crown Chakra (Purple): Depression, tiredness, headache, skin issues, learning difficulties, rigid beliefs, confusion.

By learning all these energy centers you become more in tune with your body and mind. Healthy Chakras create vitality and growth in our body, mind, and life.

Step three is choosing what Chakra balancing techniques are best for you. There are many techniques to help unblock and align the chakras. You can do more than one! We have listed the 8 best techniques to balance the Chakras for step three. Keep a journal about your steps and progress.

Best 7 Techniques to Help Balance the Chakras

  1. Chakra Meditation: Listen to a guided chakra meditation you do before sleep or any time of the day to align your energy centers, and Chakras.

  2. Yoga poses for Chakras: Yoga poses will help you open up these energy centers in ways to improve energy flow, using movement and breath. Learn more about Chakra yoga poses.

  3. Sound healing: You can raise your vibration (energy) or frequency using Tibetan and crystal glass bowls in different sizes to align the chakras. You can even use music to heal the chakras.

  4. Mantras and Affirmations: Each Chakra center has its own mantra and affirmation to help you unlock this energy center. Think of a mantra as a special key or code to unlock each energy center. You can repeat these as many times as you want silently or externally on the exhale. Aim to visualize and feel each Chakra center when you repeat these mantras and affirmations.

    Root Chakra: Repeat the “Ï am” affirmation on the exhale or the mantra “Lam”.

    Sacral Chakra: Repeat the “I Feel” affirmation on the exhale or the mantra “Vam".

    Solar Plexus Chakra: Repeat the “I can” affirmation on the exhale or the mantra “Ram”.

    Heart Chakra: Repeat the “I Love” affirmation on the exhale or the mantra “Yam”.

    Throat Chakra: Repeat the “I Speak” affirmation on the exhale or the mantra “Ham”.

    Third-eye Chakra: Repeat the “I See” affirmation on the exhale or the mantra “Aum”.

    Crown Chakra: Repeat the “I understand” affirmation on the exhale or just listen, as there’s no mantra.

  5. Reiki: Reiki is non-contact energy therapy, where a practitioner or yourself, can either place hands just above each chakra energy center. Or you may use a pendulum above these energy centers. to see what direction your energy is flowing or not flowing. You can start from the root chakra and work your way upwards to the crown chakra to strengthen your immunity. Or start at the crown and work your way down if you are too much in your headspace. You would start by clearing your space to prepare. You can either sit comfortably on a cushion or ly down. Center yourself with your breathing. grounding and start to feel your energy in each chakra. You may feel tingly sensations in the hands or chakra. You may feel heat or cold sensations. There are many techniques, you can learn depending on your experience.

  6. Crystals and Essential oils: Learn more about what crystals to use to help you redirect or draw out energy. You can also combine this method with essential oils for chakras. Essential oil therapy is an ancient healing practice coming from plants. You can use a specific essential oil for a chakra before you meditate, or yoga poses for chakras. Always use a carrier oil when working with pure essential oils to avoid skin irritation. More information on which essential oils for Chakras.

  7. Food: Eat more plant-based foods which help chakra health. If you want to focus on opening the Root Chakra which is red in energy, Then eat more red foods!

Be mindful of your body’s limits and always consult with your yoga teacher or other health professionals to make sure this is appropriate for you.

We recommend choosing a healing method that you feel most drawn to, and exploring maybe more. My favorite is using pure essential oils, with yoga poses for chakras and meditations.

Changing old bad habits will also help you heal imbalances in your chakras. The first step is being aware of what nourishes your body and mind. Plus be aware of what drains you! Keep a journal of how these chakra techniques work for you. Remember we are all-powerful beings, so learn to use your energy wisely and safely.

Harness your Chakra healing power and improve your chakra health in Jodie’s live yoga online classes, with a new Chakra balancing theme every month.

Try our 14-day free trial to learn more about Chakras in Kevala Health’s live-stream yoga classes.


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