My Top 5 Bridges For Hips and Core

5 Bridge Workouts to Strengthen and Shape up the Hips

Jodie shares five bridge workouts to strengthen your hips, buttocks, and core. There are many variations of bridges and in this video, Jodie demonstrates the most effective glute bridges.

The hip joint is complex and made up of many muscles to help with stability, the lower back, knees, and ankles. If we have weak glutes, it can place strain on the lower back, walking, knees, and ankles.

To build strength and stability around the hips, you need to work on all your glutes and core. These bridge variations not only help you shape up the buttocks but also help strengthen and be more stable with walking.

5 Bridge Variations for Hip Strength and Stability

  1. Bridge with Ball (or block)

  2. Bridge with resistance band (and arm pulldowns)

  3. One-leg Bridges

  4. Booty Band Bridge

  5. Frog Bridge

Spice up your buttock (hip) workout with these bridge variations you can do at home.

Before you begin this workout, here are some important tips.

  1. Engage the core by gently squeezing the pelvis floor and drawing the navel to the spine.

  2. Perform exercises slowly and smoothly.

  3. Slow even breaths throughout the workout.

  4. Press the pause button on the exercise video after each demonstration of the exercises so you can perform at your own pace and rest when appropriate.

Beginner level: Complete one set of 5-10 repetitions.

Intermediate level: Complete two or three sets of 10-15 repetitions with rests in between.

Try Jodie’s live-stream Pilates or yoga classes for more great workouts for the legs, buttocks, and core, for 14 days free.

Watch Jodie’s top five beginner Pilates mat exercises you can do at-home video to strengthen your core (Abs) and back.

Kevala Health, recommends that you consult your Doctor regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program and watching Kevala Health videos.

Follow Jodie on Facebook or Instagram for more great tips.


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