Yoga for Teenagers
8 Benefits of Yoga for Teenagers
Yoga for teenagers is just as important as it is for adults. Research has shown that yoga is safe and beneficial to help teenagers cope with mental and physical challenges as they grow.
In today’s world, our teenagers are busy, going everywhere, and have added stresses of school, bullying, trying to fit in or unsure about their future. Yoga can help teens learn more mind-body connections to help strengthen the mind and relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks before exams. Yoga can help your teenager learn ways to relax. Or maybe your teenager is competitive with school sports, and Yoga can complement their training.
Yoga works in three main areas; postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. The most popular yoga types for teenagers are Hatha yoga and Vinyasa Yoga.
Kevala Health live Yoga for teenagers’ online classes are fun and playful. We believe it’s important to focus on positive reinforcement in all teen yoga classes. You can try our private yoga online classes in the safety and comfort of your home. Kevala Health is also an NDIS service provider, to help any teenager who is an NDIS participant to improve health and wellbeing.
8 Benefits of Yoga for Teens
Improve Mental Focus:
When you connect breath with yoga movements and poses you deepen your mind-body connection and strengthen the mind.
Learn self-respect:
Yoga teaches you to respect yourself and others.
Positive moods:
Yoga helps to uplift and energize your mind and body. Yoga also helps you to manage anxiety and depression mild symptoms.
Improve Posture:
Lots of screen time and sitting with teenagers weakens your back and tightens your chest, shoulders, and neck. Yoga will stretch and strengthen the body.
Strengthen Immunity:
Research shows yoga strengthens the immune system, so your teenager will be less likely to get sick.
Improve Sleep:
The teenager's body grows when it’s asleep. Yoga helps to relax the body and mind and therefore improves sleep.
Increase self-esteem and discipline:
Yoga promotes positive body image, respect, and confidence. You learn to do what feels right for your body and mind.
Relieve body aches:
When the teenage body is growing they feel muscle and bone aches. Or when they are competitive in sports they experience aches and pains.
Teen Yoga classes helped my two teenage boys during sports training and school years. There are many obstacles for teenagers and a live yoga online class can help them grow into healthy and happy teenagers.
Your teenager can try a Kevala Health live stream teen yoga online class from their own room in privacy. There is no judgment, no competition, and no comparing. Start with our 14-days free unlimited yoga and pilates online classes.
Online Yoga for Teens
We all know Yoga has great physical benefits and can help a growing teen body, but it also can help teens cope with the stress of exams, anxiety, and lack of self-esteem.
As a mother of two boys, I have learned a lot along the way and know how beneficial yoga can be for boys and girls. It can be challenging being a teen and the pressure from social media, schooling, and peers, can put an even more unnecessary load on their bodies and minds.
Kevala Health Yoga offers private zoom classes to help teens to build more confidence, improve mental focus, be more motivated and find ways to explore with yoga poses and meditations and break down barriers. Learning to cope with stresses will help them grow into healthy happy adults. Yoga can also help your teen to improve their sporting abilities.
Kevala Health yoga offers zoom private or family sessions you can do at home, so you can feel more comfortable.
If you live on the Gold Coast, we can visit you for a personalized Yoga or Pilates class in your home.
Live Yoga Online Classes for Teens
Parents can join in for family fun. We can personalize the live yoga online class for your teen with a private one on one with the zoom at a time that suits you.