Beginners Pilates Ball Core Workout

Pilates Mini Ball Core Exercises | Beginners

Are you looking for a fun beginner Pilates Ab workout at home? You have come to the right Pilates workout page! These beginner core exercises using the Pilates mini ball will spice up your Ab workout and get your core strong even more!

Using a Pilates mini ball for your Abs workout will help engage your deep stabilizing muscles. This leads to improved posture, decreased back pains, and good pelvic floor health. Perfect floor core workout for women over 40.

Jodie’s Pilates at-home Ab workout is all floor-based exercises and no weight-bearing on the knees or hands. The perfect knee-friendly workout.

I love this beginner Pilates mini-ball workout as there is no spinal flexion (forward bending). Your back is supported in these lying Pilates floor exercises. Therefore it’s suitable for people with lower back disc issues, such as prolapse or herniated discs.

Get stronger in your core and Abs to enhance your strength-building workouts at home and your yoga. Building your core strength can range anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

These floor-based Pilates mini-ball Ab will help you get stronger in your core in a safe fun way.

This at-home Pilates workout you can do at any age and level. Practice these Pilates ball Ab exercises at least 2-3 times a week or combine just a few times a week with your other strength-building exercises.

When you strengthen your core, you improve your hip stability, and walking, and reduce common lower back issues.

Important tips in this Pilates Ab ball workout:

1. Always focus on gentle even breathing.

2. Activate the core by drawing the navel to the spine slightly and a gentle squeeze of the pelvic floor. Do your core activation before you exhale and move.

3. Always move slowly, and mindfully (full-awareness). If you feel uncomfortable in your lower back, then take a rest and re-engage your core.

4. Practice your core exercises at least two to three times a week and be consistent, if you want a stronger core.

Best 8 Pilates Ball Ab Exercises for Beginners

1. Bridges

2. Tabletops

3. Easy tabletop twist

4. Single-leg toe taps

5. Single bent leg side drop

6. Lying side reach

7. Double toe taps

8. Leg extension with overhead reach

More Beginner Ab workouts using no equipment.

Live-stream Pilates and Yoga classes are available at home with Jodie. Perfect Pilates classes for a beginner workout.

Live Pilates and Yoga classes on Russell Island (QLD).

Follow Jodie on Facebook or Instagram for more great tips on Pilates and Yoga.

Disclaimer- Kevala Health, recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program and watching Kevala health videos. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, and voluntarily participate in these activities, assuming all risk of injury to yourself.


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