6 Yoga Poses for Calm Christmas Season

No matter how you celebrate the Christmas period, it can be a wonderful time for appreciation and enjoying the company of the ones that you love. However, let’s face it, it can be one of the most stressful times of the year. 

During the festive period, energy can be our most valuable resource. Unfortunately, stress drains our energy. With what may seem like endless commitments and pressures, it’s so important to keep ourselves mentally and physically well throughout this time to keep spirits and energy levels up. 

Luckily, there are a few measures you can take to keep yourself healthy and motivated. A few key tips are to try to get at least eight hours of quality sleep, don’t over-consume alcohol or caffeine, and keep a regular exercise routine. Yoga is particularly important to reduce stress by calming the mind, stretching to release tension, fostering mindfulness, and relaxing the body.

We understand that finding time for yoga, meditation, and exercise during this busy time can be difficult. So we have put together six-pose stress relieving sequence for you to practice over Christmas when you have a spare ten to fifteen minutes handy. You can do these Kevala Yoga poses anytime, anywhere to calm and cool down your body and mind.

Top 6 Yoga Postures to Stay Calm at Christmas

1. Child Pose

The Child Pose is a go-to to melt away your stress and let an instant calm wash over you. It is a beginner-friendly position that is useful for releasing anxiety and tension, helping our nervous system, and quieting the mind for a sense of calm.

You can practice this pose by gently coming to your knees in a traditional kneeling position, then bringing your hands forward towards the top of your mat. Enable your mid-section to relax and, if you can, your buttocks to touch the heels of your feet. You can let your hands rest on the side of your body, or extend them towards the top of the mat for a deeper stretch. Place a blanket or cushion behind the knees if tight and also can place a blanket under the front ankles.

*Try holding this pose for up to one minute or longer to allow for a deep release of tension throughout your arms, shoulders, back, and thighs. 

2. Cat and Cow

These postures are an ideal way to warm up your spine and help release any tightness caused by overworking the back. It is also useful to healthily connect with your breath. The cat Pose stretches out our lower back to relieve stress in that area, while the cow poses warms up your spine to promote balance and calm. The cat and cow Pose can be practiced simultaneously as a two-part sequence or flow. These poses are easy to practice, making them ideal for beginners. You can place padding under the knees.

To position into cat Pose, start on all fours on your mat. As you exhale, draw your belly towards the spine and lift your back towards the ceiling. As you continue to breathe out, gently bring the crown of your head down towards your mat. 

Flowing into Cow Pose, inhale to curve your stomach towards the floor and stretch your chest and head up, moving the shoulders away from the ears.

The transition between these two poses for one minute or longer fosters deeper breathing and stretching.

3. Downdog

The Downdog Pose works to stretch the entire back of your body to improve circulation in vital organs and soothe your mind. 

To practice this pose, simply start on all fours then rise onto your toes and lift your hips while pressing your palms into the front of your mat. Extend your tailbone towards the ceiling, then shift to pressing your heels back down onto the mat. Let your head gently drop towards the ground and hold the pose for a few deep breaths. Keep knees bent more if you are tight in your hamstrings, hips, or lower back. Hold for one minute or longer.

4. Supported Bridge

The Supported Bridge is ideal to stretch the front of your body and feel more energized overall. This pose has a beneficial impact on your blood pressure, helps to reduce anxiety and fatigue, aids headaches, and gently stretches your back and legs.

Start by lying down on your back with your arms by your side. Press your feet flat onto the mat, then as you inhale, lift your hips and chest from the ground to create a bridge between your head and feet. Hold for 1-2 minutes.

5. Reclined Twist

The Reclined Twist Pose is valuable to release tension from your hips and back, where much of your stress can be stored. This pose offers many different benefits such as stretching out your back muscles, hips, and glutes, hydrating the spinal disks, and relaxing the spine. It also strengthens your abdominal muscles and promotes the flow of blood to digestive organs, improving the functioning of your digestive system. 

To practice this pose, begin by lying on your back with your arms resting by your sides. Then, exhale, and slowly bring your knees to one side. You can use your other hand to steady your knee as you hold it across your body. Slowly shift the pose to the other side of your body, repeating as you inhale and exhale deeply. Hold each side for one minute or more.

6. Legs Up The Wall

This yoga pose works wonders to improve your circulation, balance out hormones, and relieve lower back tension. Moreover, it boosts blood circulation throughout your body, can improve your quality of sleep, and regulate emotions. All of these factors help with improving stress levels.

This restorative pose can be achieved by lying down on your mat in front of a wall, placing your legs up onto the wall with your knees slightly bent and your spine straight. Focus on your breathing while holding this stretch for at least one minute. You can place a blanket under the hips/lower back for support. Hold for two or three minutes or longer.

Try Kevala Health’s calming and cooling sequence below.

We encourage you to practice this six-part Kevala Yoga sequence anytime, any day, to boost energy levels and melt away your stress. Keep a focus on breathing throughout your practice to foster a sense of calm and healing.

Learn more about these calming yoga poses in our live-stream virtual yoga classes for 14 days free.

Stay calm and cool during the Christmas holiday season.

Do you suffer from tiredness all the time? Read our blog on how to reduce tiredness.

Or listen to Jodie’s calming Chakra Meditation to balance your chakras over the Christmas holiday season.



6 yoga poses for calmness and coolness.

Always focus on slow even breathing. Be comfortable. Be present


Set New Health Goals and Achieve Them


Link Between our Emotions and Body