Improve Your Flexibility With Yoga
Standing Yoga Flow For Flexibility | Beginner Friendly
Do you have tight hamstrings, hips, and backs?
Time to stretch it out in the mornings and wake up your body. This is the perfect at-home stretching, to improve your flexibility in the hamstrings, hips, and back.
Why improve flexibility? As we get older, we get tighter in all our muscles and joints. Many other factors play a role in a loss of flexibility, including injury and too much sitting. Poor flexibility can cause lower back pain, hip pain, poor posture, and low energy levels.
I created this gentle low-impact standing yoga stretches to help improve flexibility without needing to get on the floor. These standing knee-friendly yoga stretches are perfect for anyone with knee or wrist issues, as there is no weight bearing on these joints.
You will stretch your hamstrings, hips, back and shoulders. I include strengthening yoga poses to help balance your hips, core, legs, and back with strength work.
This beginner standing-only yoga flow can help you relieve stress and anxiety, and improve your health when over 40. I guide you through this slow yoga flow with breathing awareness and mindfulness.
Perfect for women over 40 to manage menopause symptoms.
Don’t forget to bend your knees more in forward bends if you have tight and stiff hamstrings, hips, and lower back. This is the best option for yoga beginners or anyone over 40.
You will learn:
⭐️Gentle yoga warmup
⭐️Half sun salute yoga flow
⭐️Half flow with squats
⭐️Wide squat with side bend
⭐️Warrior II and peaceful Warrior
⭐️Wide leg twist flow
⭐️Standing cat/cow flow
If you want to improve flexibility after 40, you need a daily stretch routine if possible. Be consistent to get results and listen to your body. Combine some Pilates to help build your core and strength. You might notice flexibility improves within two to three weeks of consistent stretching. More improvements after a few months of stretching or yoga.
Good flexibility can make everyday activities easier and improve your quality of life. Don’t forget yoga not only helps our flexibility but also our mental health.
Join my live-stream yoga classes with a 14-day free trial or Pilates yoga classes.
Yoga and Pilates classes are available on Russell Island.
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Kevala Health, recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program and watching Kevala Health videos. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, and voluntarily participate in these activities, assuming all risk of injury to yourself. Thank you - Namaste, Jodie.