Heart Chakra: Finding Balance in Love

Camel yoga pose to open the Heart Chakra photo.

Camel yoga pose to open the Heart Chakra photo.

Heart Chakra Yoga to Balance Body

Have you ever experienced issues with self-acceptance, self-love, depression, or a poor immune system? Or maybe sometimes you feel judgemental, lonely, or resentful? All these emotions can come from a blocked Heart Chakra.

The Heart Chakra is our fourth main energy center in the middle of the chest in line with the heart. The color is green and it is the bridge between the lower and higher Chakras. It’s associated with love, compassion, peace, joy, forgiveness, contentment, and a healthy immune system.

The element connected with the heart energy center is the Air element, which is the spring season. The main organs of this center are the heart and lungs. The best yoga poses to open the Heart Chakra is all the backbends and chest opening yoga poses. My favorite short beginner yoga pose sequence to open the heart energy center is the Cat/Cow, Cobra, Lunges with chest opening bind, Camel, and Seated forward bend to relax at the end.

I have listed below the 5 simple ways to open up the Heart Chakra that you can practice daily.

5 Ways to Open the Heart Chakra

  1. Daily gratitude: Reflect on daily gratitude. You can keep a daily journal, and or verbally affirm what you are grateful for every day. Gratitude helps to open the heart and feel appreciation for the positives in life.

  2. Affirmations and Mantras: Positive thinking is powerful, just like our mind. Some of my favorite affirmations are; “I am worthy of love”, “I am loving to myself”, and “I live in balance and love”. A traditional yoga mantra such as; “So Hum” (I am that, I am), is another powerful way to open the heart. Repeat these quietly to yourself or aloud on the exhales, especially in front of a mirror with affirmations. I use a lot of these mantras and affirmations in my live Yoga classes.

  3. Heart Chakra Yoga poses: Focus on lots of yoga backbends, chest opening stretches, arms opening and closing movements, gentle forward bends, and twists. Some energy exercise you can add to your yoga or daily exercise is sternum tapping with the “Hu” sound on the exhale. Or flowing out and in with your arms, like big hugs, opening, and closing, with a big “HA” breath, exhaling through the mouth.

  4. Natural Essential oils: 100% Essential oils such as; Lavender, Rose, Ylang Ylang, and Jasmine, are great ways to stimulate the Heart center. You can place an oil blend on the sternum or back of the neck. Kevala Health has created 100% natural essential blends; including; Blossom, Balance, and Invigorate which are perfect for Heart Chakra balancing.

  5. Meditation: Find a guided meditation for the heart chakra, repeating the heart chakra mantra “YAM” or affirmations, whilst connecting with the heart center. You can place one or two hands over this area and use the sense of touch to connect deeper and stay connected with an even gentle breath. Or you can listen to guided chakra meditation on all seven main chakras at this LINK.

Open your heart and let all the love in, so you feel inner peace, contentment, and balanced. Love is a vital force that gives us direction, energy, and a deeper connection to ourselves and other beings.

In October, join Kevala Health’s live yoga online classes, for the Heart Chakra balancing theme. Open your Heart with our 14-day FREE trial.

Learn more here on healing the Chakra techniques.

Read our blog on the Root Chakra.

Stay connected with Kevala Health’s Facebook page for up-to-date Chakra balancing themes in Kevala yoga online classes in Australia.


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