Open Your Root Chakra

7 Tips on How to Open Your Root Chakra

Warrior yoga pose for Root Chakra.

Warrior yoga pose to open the Root Chakra

Do you ever feel insecure, fearful, or unstable in life? I’m sure many of us go through these negative feelings during life and have tried ways to let them go, without much success. Well, it’s time to open your mind and go a little deeper and connect with your Root Chakra energy center.

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It’s the first main energy center of seven, also known as the base chakra. The color of this energy center is RED. When the Root Chakra is balanced, you feel safe and secure in life and comfortable in your body. A stronger base chakra gives you a sense of being at home inside yourself. This first energy center is also connected with the earth element.

Now, are you curious about how to balance your Root Chakra? First I will outline below the characteristics of a balanced Root Chakra and an unbalanced Root Chakra.

Balanced Root Chakra; Stillness, safe, grounded, good physical health, comfortable in body, clear thinking, flexible mind, sense of belonging, deep connection with nature, healthy weight, proper elimination.

Unbalanced Root Chakra; Anxious, insecure, worried, fearful, poor focus, disconnected from the body, poor boundaries, chronic lower back pain, adrenal fatigue, unhealthy weight, unable to trust nature, sciatica, holding onto fears, issues with feet, knees, and legs.

7 Best Tips on How to Open Your Root Chakra

  1. Yoga poses for Root Chakra: The best yoga poses for the Root Chakra are all the strong standing poses as the Warrior poses, yoga balance poses like the tree, and grounding floor yoga postures. Aim to practice these yoga poses at least a few times a week on a regular basis to help balance this Chakra. Learn more about Root Chakra Yoga poses and the earth element.

  2. Root Chakra Meditation: You can begin a simple Root Chakra meditation by comfortably lying on the ground so you feel your tailbone (base of the spine), connecting with the earth. Then visualize the color red in this area, while taking slow even breaths. Feel the energy in and around the base of the spine, in the legs and feet. Imagine you are drawing positive energy from the earth into these spaces. Aim to stay in this meditation for 15-30 minutes. You can listen to Jodie’s calming full Chakra 15-minute meditation in this video blog.

  3. Essential oils: The best essential oils to use for the Root Chakra are warm woody oils like cypress, sandalwood, Cedarwood, and patchouli oils. Read more with Kevala Health’s aromatherapy essential oils and yoga

  4. Crystals: Using crystals can also be fun and give strong energy. Try using the following crystals for healing; ruby, bloodstone, red jasper, and fire agate are just some examples. Place your crystals near your yoga mat or any other room in your home. More information on crystals and Chakra healing.

  5. Time in Nature: Spending time in nature helps you to strengthen this energy center, especially if you are walking barefoot. Maybe hug a tree or two? If you have never been that close to a tree, then give it a go.

  6. Affirmations: Affirmations are another powerful way to awaken your Root Chakra. Here are some examples of affirmations you can repeat daily on the exhale. “I am grounded and connected with the earth”, “I have a healthy body and mind”, and I trust the power of the earth”. They are even more powerful if you repeat these in front of a mirror.

  7. Mantras: The mantra sound to open the Root Chakra center is “Lam”. You can repeat this mantra externally or internally on your exhale, as many times as you wish. You can repeat this mantra in meditation, in a yoga pose, or just when you go for a walk.

During March Kevala Health, live stream yoga online classes will be focusing on yoga poses for the Root Chakra and earth element. You will learn Root Chakra yoga poses to help you let go of fears and get strong and healthy in the body. These live yoga online classes are perfect for beginners, as the teacher will guide you through beginner yoga modifications.

Learn more about the Root Chakra in a Kevala Health live-stream yoga class with their 14-day free unlimited yoga classes.

Get strong, grounded, and stable in the body, mind, and life with Kevala Health.

Read more information on how to balance the chakras and work on your Chakra health.


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