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Set New Health Goals and Achieve Them

Meditation to help clear the mind and set new goals.

Set Achievable Health Goals With Our 8 Tips

A new year offers a fresh opportunity for growth and positivity and with the right tools, you can bring even more strength and harmony into your life. 

It’s common to make new goals at the start of the year, often intending to achieve them without a map to get there. Instead of hoping to attain these grand resolutions without a plan, it’s key to set specific and achievable goals. By creating practical goals and implementing a step-by-step process to accomplish them, you can fulfill your dreams.  

Each person will aim to improve different areas of their life, however, we encourage you to include a health goal in your New Year’s plan. Overall wellness takes practice and consistency and can look different for everyone. At the core of Kevala Health, we know that wellness is holistic. This means that ‘health’ encompasses feeling happy, harmonious, nurtured, strong, and confident. Consider how your goals can bring you or others more joy and positivity in the New Year. 

8 Best Tips to Set Your New Health Goals

1. Narrow down your focus

You may be wishing to focus on one aspect of your life or to improve many different areas. The aim of your goals may be directed at health, career, family, relationships, happiness, education, attitude, or charity. 

Take some time to write down where you’d like to experience improvement, then narrow them down to one, two, or three ideas. By focusing on your significant hopes, you are more likely to stick to your plan instead of feeling too overwhelmed to start. 

When choosing your areas of focus, reflect to ensure that you are selecting the ones that genuinely matter to you.   

2. Be positive and specific

Aim for your goals to be framed positively and as a specific statement. When wording them, use positive language that focuses on improvement and growth rather than past setbacks or negative self-talk. Next, make sure that they are very clear and specific. Consider the who, what, when, where, and why of your resolution to map out all of the details. 

3. Measure in time or happiness

By creating measurable and time-bound goals, you will be able to track your progress and see tangible evidence of achievement. Your measurement may be in months, years, levels of happiness, or feelings of strength. You decide what barometer you’d like to use.

Set specific dates for achieving different steps towards your objectives and check in at the deadline. Consider how you can work towards them in fragments of weeks, months, or years and what you can do today to get closer.

As life changes throughout the year, remember to be gentle with yourself if time frames change or you experience setbacks. 

4. Be realistic and relevant

If your goal is not realistically attainable, you’re unfortunately setting yourself up for a loss. While you should be setting resolutions for growth, keep in mind personal, emotional, or financial limitations.

Equally as importantly, check that your goals are relevant to your current situation and aspirations to maintain motivation. Make certain that they are worthwhile, align with your resources, aren’t conflicting with major commitments, and that you can personally work towards them. By setting yourself up with realizable goals, you have every capability to reach them.

5. Practise mindfulness and reflection

Mindfulness is a wonderful tool to enhance self-awareness and consciousness of your surroundings. When you are more in touch with these elements, you will be able to successfully reflect and manifest your aspirations.

As the outcome of mindfulness is to heighten your sense of awareness, you are more likely to be conscious of the areas you’d like to improve on. It has been found that mindful people can set better goals as they can identify where to direct their energy best.

6. Write them down

Kevala Health encourages you to write down and vividly describe your resolutions either in a journal, planner, laptop, napkin, or anything! 

It has been found that people who write down and visualize their goals are between one to one and a half more likely to accomplish them than those who don’t. This way, you can be visually reminded of your hopes and manifest them in your mind and soul. 

7. Achieve your resolutions

By integrating these tips into your New Year’s resolutions, we know that you can achieve beyond your dreams. 

Set a time to check in with yourself and to see how you’re tracking. This may involve a mindfulness session, reflective journalling, or re-evaluating your aspirations. Always remember to be kind to yourself and use positive language.

8. Maintain your goals with Kevala Health

At Kevala Health we offer a safe and supportive environment for personal growth. We believe that self-care is vital for our mental health and should be nurtured through healthier eating, exercise, mindfulness, and strengthening of the body and mind.

By engaging in Kevala Health’s meditation, yoga, and pilates, online classes, you can heal and grow as an individual. Kevala Health also offers yoga and meditation classes to assist with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction recovery when you need some extra support. For more information on mental health.

Learn how you can achieve your goals in our 14-day free trial of unlimited yoga, pilates, and fitness classes.

Have you ever tried live stream yoga or Pilates at home? Read our blog on how yoga at home can benefit you.