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Live Simply and Mindfully for Your Health

Meditation helps improve mindfulness.

Ever Felt Overwhelmed or Uninspired with Work or Life?

Many times in the past I have multi-tasked, trying to people please and not balancing my work with rest. This eventually leads to tiredness, feelings of being overwhelmed and being disconnected from self.

This all normally builds up slowly, while the body is giving you signs along the way, and if you are too busy with life or not paying attention to your body, mind, or breath, you miss these important clues.

I have learned to slow down now, being in my 50s, learning how to manage menopause and other changes in my life. Practicing more yoga and listening to my body’s needs, has helped me enjoy life more. I’ve de-cluttered a lot in my home and life and going back to living a more simple life. Feeling more gratitude for what I do have and what’s important now in life, has helped me free my mind and enjoy living more.

An important question to ask yourself is “Am I listening to my body and aware of any subtle changes?”

One way of helping you be more aware of these signals or changes in your body or mind is by practicing mindfulness daily, Yoga, and Meditation.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is living reflectively with conscious awareness of your thoughts and actions. It’s learning to watch without being driven by your feelings and emotions. It’s learning to be patient, accepting, and letting go of what no longer serves you.

Kevala Health teaches you mindfulness in all the live virtual online classes. You become more connected with your body and mind and start to grow when you practice mindfulness.

How to Simplify Areas in your life

You can start by de-cluttering maybe your clothes and offering them to a charity. Cleaning up around your home can also be cleansing for the mind. Start simplifying the meals you cook, and make them easier. Focus on the basics of life, which are shelter (roof over your head), food, water, and love.

Learn more about self-love and self-acceptance, which is part of self-care and growth. Make your health your priority and make some small changes now.

Kevala Health’s 9 Tips for Healthy Living

  1. Practice Mindfulness daily

  2. Yoga daily or at least a few times a week

  3. More time in nature: walks, reading, picnics, feet in the water.

  4. Simplify meals

  5. Letting go: Old clothes, overdoing, comparing and judging, negative people.

  6. More Self-care: Massage, candlelit baths, alternative therapies

  7. Decrease Stress

  8. Daily Gratitude

  9. Healthy Eating

Have you tried Kevala Health’s online live-stream yoga or pilates class?

We are offering 14-day free live yoga or Pilates online classes to new students. You will love these inspiring live online classes that you can do at home and modify when you need to and feel more relaxed.

Take more time out for self-care, simplify your living, and be happy.